White Out, mixed media, part of my ReFashion ReSculpt Series, is now showing at The Flinn Foundation. Thank you to Artlink for all the opportunities you bring to this town and as an artist trying to get my work in front of as many people as it is meant to.
I was asked this week at the opening reception of this exhibit to say a little bit about my artwork… where do I start?
This work is so purpose driven and feeds my soul on so many levels/ physical, mental, emotional, visual… Ultimately my work is meant to leave a positive imprint in this planet- while helping to lower our impact on the planet.
But- just like with fashion or design- aesthetics are everything. If the work does not grab the viewer, it doesn’t matter how much good it could do for people or the planet. I work with a diverse range of styles- and some are meant for the repurposing aspect to be more overt, such as this, my 3d pieces, and to challenge the viewer to look for beauty where it is not normally found… in case you were wondering.

My next ART SHOW is part of the Camelback Studio Tour, a free self-guided tour consisting of 30 artists in the Camelback Mountain area of Phoenix and Scottsdale. I will be showing my work at my home (STUDIO 7) with artist Cyn Silva. We will have music, food, drinks, the fun, and of course lots of artwork!! Further details can be found here: https://camelbackstudiotour.com/