Check out my latest coverage on our Nothing New November Challenge featured on Remake

Guess what? It is really cool to care about the impact your shopping is having on the planet. Shopping secondhand is also some of the best shopping you can do to curate your style and maximize your budget.
Yes, I wear used clothes. Not because I have to, but because I choose to. I choose to exercise my spending power to do good. I wear my values. I only purchase clothing that I feel has not done harm to the planet.
This is a lifestyle choice. You can feel good about your purchases knowing you’re contributing to the circular economy, reducing waste, and decreasing the demand on the fashion industry to produce faster and cheaper clothing.
Head to to read the whole feature, see additional secondhand looks from our photoshoot, learn more about sustainable brands, and how you can become a more conscious [& stylish] consumer.
Just like most of us, I have always loved clothes, shopping and getting dressed up! When I found out that the fashion industry was one of the largest polluters of the planet, I knew something major had to change with how I was consuming fashion. Good news! Shopping secondhand is one of the most sustainable ways you can shop. Secondhand fashion is sustainable fashion.
Vote with your wallet. The Nothing New November Challenge is about using fashion for good... we are taking a stand for the environment by choosing fashion that slows down the cycle of excessive waste and the drain on our planet’s resources.
You can do your part to curb the environmental impact of fashion, reduce waste and use fashion for good too. Try shopping secondhand instead of brand new next time. Join the movement!

Make sure you check out my models on their social media to learn more about them and get a larger picture of each of their signature styles. I consider these girls like my Nothing New November ambassadors. They each showed up, styled with exclusively secondhand finds- all so fab and killing it! I am so proud of each of them for all they bring to our Arizona fashion community. Together, we are the secondhand shopping society. We love it! And we know how to do it. Now, that takes real style!

Shown here (L to R)
Ebony Whitaker of Time Capsule Treasures, Myself, Crystal Daniels of Designer Treasure Hunt & Conscious Collective, Heidi Altree of Amare by Heidi, and Franchela Franco, fashion influencer.
What does the ‘Nothing New November Challenge’ entail?
If you choose to shop during the month of November, shop secondhand
Gifts you purchase for other people are at your discretion
You decide your comfort level, ie. socks, undergarments may be best sourced brand new- up to you
Even if you follow this challenge 50%, you are still making a difference, having a positive impact on the environment, and conserving resources that would otherwise be used up on the sourcing, production and shipping of brand new items.
If you’d like to participate in the Nothing New November challenge, it’s easy! If you choose to shop, shop secondhand. Style a look using your secondhand finds and/ or items you already own, snap a pic, post it, tag @iamlauramadden + @remakeourworld + use #nothingnewnovember for a chance to be featured!
Follow my blog for weekly updates, challenges, and more sustainable fashion style!
Thank you for your support Remake!
Photography: Carrilee Fox Photography
“Because fast fashion is out. Bargain prices disempower women, exploit our natural resources and contribute to limitless waste.” REMAKE